Animal Crossing Mostly
Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2003

It�s funny the things a person looks forward to. I remember back in the movie Fletch (which I talked about a little in my last post) that in one of the chase scenes, my car at the time, a 1978 Caprice Classic (silver), got smashed. It was the first time I�d seen a car like mine on screen.

Tonight, Big Brother 4 starts. The former FBI fellow, who I�m rooting for before the show starts (though a bad personality can change that quickly), said the luxury item he�d miss the most will be his Miata. Man, I hope they show his car.

I�ve been avoiding writing about Aisai and my current obsession, Animal Crossing. But here goes.

My main character, as I have two, is named Mark. He lives in the town of Cantar. I�ve improved my house three times, so I have a pretty big main floor and a big basement. I�ve got the main floor decorated in what I call Dagon theme, after the movie. There is a nautical themed ruin type title floor, I�ve got a bonfire in the middle of the room, and torches, chanting dekkoids, etc.

In the basement, the big action currently is that I have 1,600 turnips. The last turnips I had, 300 of them, I bought at 89 bells each and sold at 741 bells each. This paid for two upgrades to my house. If I can pull this off again this week, I�ll have 1,200,000 bells. This will get me a second floor, if there is one to be had. Aisai is probably going to be able to pay off her current mortgage sooner than me, as she�s a fanatical fisher.

Both of the nice gal characters from my other city, Fresno, have moved to Cantar. That�s be Winnie the horse and Freya the wolf. Aisai doesn�t like Freya, mainly because Freya is rude to her. Aisai�s character doesn�t socialize as much with the natives as I do. Heck, you�d be amazed how much they like you just for stupid stuff like�well, finding a shirt in the dump and mailing it to them as a gift. (I�m a bad man.)

And, I don�t know what the deal is, but it seems that horses have the worst sense of taste in clothing. Both Winnie and that other horse that I�m so glad moved away, tended to wear light colored rompers with polka dots. Please, that is so dumb looking. I gave Winnie a purple and white summer dress type thing.

Unfortunately, some of our favorite animals have moved away. Aisai really liked Spike, the rhino. He didn�t like me much. Bob, the oddly cross dressing cat, he was a favorite of both of ours, and he�s now moved to Aisai�s other city, Ybor.

Currently we have Tybalt (a narcissistic yet borderline codependent tiger), Freya (a euro poser artiste type, which fits that she�s a pink wolf), Stu (goofy but amiable cow), T-bone (who I confuse with Stu), Cheri (vampish punker bear. She bought my matrix shirt I designed.), Camofrog (neighbor to Cheri and they tend to fight), Tad (young frog), Winnie (sweetie of a horse), and some other ones I can�t remember.

I�m tending to forestry to make money. I�ve nearly eliminated the poor selling apples from our town and replaced them with oranges and cherries. I�ve got coconut palms on the shore now, where there were none before. You have to hook a GBA to the GC to get to the island, and I don�t have one. However, someone mailed me a coconut (a real person on the internet sent a code through Nook�s (the store in the game)).

And, in real life, Big Brother 4 starts tonight and America�s Next Top Model ends. I�m also watching Last Comic Standing, but other than that, nothing. I was tempted to get Netflix again this summer, but with the new Gamecube and all, I don�t see the need. Besides, I�m still halfway through Grand Theft Auto 3 for the fourth time back on the PS2.

That reminds me, Tom has offered me his old selector switch for the videogame setup. I need to take him up on that while he still remembers.


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